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000 Womb Way Collection

Inward Training: Schizandra Solution

Inward Training: Schizandra Solution



as for The Way: it is what the mouth cannot speak of, the eyes cannot see, and the ears cannot hear. — verse 6 of the Nei-Yeh

energetic signature:



water + fire + earth + air

the story:

Inward Training is a practice in mystical Taoist tradition which details meditation techniques, characteristics, and qualities to be upheld by the sage, the wise one, the noble person. In classical Chinese medicine, Schizandra was used by the royals and emperors for the berry’s ability to promote tranquility, serenity, ease of mind, and longevity. Schizandra is thus a medicine for the process of inward training, and this solution also fairs well for the work of strengthening the womb space and promoting elevation of the creative essence at the same time. In Mandarin, Schizandra is known as Wu Wei Tza which is the five flavors herb due to its composition which renders it activating to the variety of taste buds all throughout our tongue and mouth. The fruit itself is usually more salty, whereas the seed is pungent and bitter, and the skin is sweet and sour. This makes Wu Wei Tza the perfect herbal fruit for restoring balance and vitality to those who have experienced degenerative or otherwise debilitating conditions. In the East, Schizandra is highly regarded for its astringent properties, so it comes in handy when there are conditions of flaccidity, dampness, or looseness in the body which are contributing to depletion or weakness on one level or another. Schizandra is considered ideal for lifting the uterus, especially when prepared with honey and other sweet elements; in this lower bodily region, they also help to strengthen and restore elasticity to vaginal walls — this is especially the case when they are paired with plant medicine such as Lady’s Mantle. With continued use, and particularly when used for at least 100 days consecutively, one notices increased energy levels and endurance, clearer thinking, and overall health and vitality throughout the body. These berries increase the water Chi in the kidneys and increase the water of the genital organs considerably. Their empowering use extends into the nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. This berry taken as a tonic can help to drive out anger (liver imbalance) and neck-shoulder tension. They can also help expel mucus from the lungs and other organs. Schizandra’s beautifying power is one that lends brightness to the mind and heart, allowing us to see and feel with greater clarity. Through study it has been found that Wu Wei Tza possesses protective qualities. During chemotherapy, the heart muscle can become compromised, and studies have found that Schizandra can shield the heart. In another study, women being treated with chemotherapy for ovarian cancer experienced improved immunity from a product that contained Schizandra. In communion with this ally we learn that they are a highly protective and supportive energy. Schizandra has also been found to increase the liver’s ability to make the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which deactivates several kinds of free radicals that attack the outer membrane of liver cells. In essence, Schizandra targets deficiencies that manifest as a variety of conditions throughout the body. The above mentioned are liver and adrenal deficiencies. Schizandra chinensis also tonifies the adrenal cortex and liver. When this happen, they address metabolic deficiencies which can show up as exhaustion, blood sugar swings, and frequent infections. A restored adrenal cortex helps one overcome loss of stamina, exhaustion, over-work, and stress. Russians have been particularly interested in Schizandra due to their ability to enhance physical performance through stamina and endurance, so this fruit also has significant merit as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is generally a safe and non- toxic herb which can serve as a support to reduce stress, both mental and physical. This particular berry has proved to be a great tonic, capable of enhancing physical energy and promoting stamina. They actively reduce levels of stress hormones in the blood, so we can quantitively measure their adaptogenic ability. In human studies, Schizandra berries and extracts of the berries have shown to help improve performance among long distance runners, skiers, and gymnasts. Furthering the adaptogen aspect into the potential for this ally as a neuro-tropic medicine (a medicine that enhances neurological and cognitive functions), Schizandra has shown to offer great benefits for the mind. Other human studies have shown that Schizandra improves concentration and coordination — hence their use for inward training practices. They help to decrease mental fatigue and increase accuracy and quality of work. Clinical studies with doctor, student, soldiers, and other groups rendered results demonstrating this plant’s superior mind- sharpening powers. Truly, Schizandra is a super berry in its own right, with the potential to help us feel noticeably better and sharper. Pairing this one with Lapis Lazuli essence helps us to clear confusion between what we believe and what we know, further compelling us to properly synthesize whatever information we are receiving whether through the womb, heart, mind, or all. The physical, mental, and even emotional benefits of this ally help to awaken our deeper senses so that we can feel the inner processes that factor into our daily experience and elevate our creative urges to be clear vision so that they can be reground into spaces that enable us to truly and truthfully manifest.


schizandra berries, coconut glycerin, gluten-free alcohol, honey, essence of lapis lazuli

invitations for use:

Take up to 40 drops as needed, up to 3 times a day. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place.

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine.)

  • Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding people.

  • Safe for children ages 5+.

  • All herbs are certified organic.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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