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000 Womb Way Collection

Nourish: Womb Glycerite no. 3

Nourish: Womb Glycerite no. 3

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$23.33


earth + air + fire + water


nourish the blood and body; tone the liver and kidneys; reduce inflammation; enhance feelings of safety and protection; treat mucus conditions; restore energy and vitality; brighten the chi; eliminate excess water and toxins; provide essential nutrients; balance heart energy; facilitate communion with ancestral energies; clarify our dreams and desires; more….

the story:

The last, but not the least — nourishment is the action which seals the healing deal. Relaxed and brightened, we emerge ready to claim and fully integrate the abundance that is rightfully ours. We are nourished by the knowing that we are supported by the plants, our ancestors, our families and friends, and our own decisions and intentions. Having consciously and deliberately embarked on a healing journey is a choice which affords us a great deal of reward, and the promise of this 3-step program or even just working with one such as “Nourish” (by itself) is that you will be supported as you journey and expand into a greater state of harmony. The act of trusting that personal and specific needs will be met in each moment takes courage, and Nourish is entirely imbued with heart, reassuring us that it is safe to step forward fearlessly and break cycles of disease, illness, and trauma. Nettle and Dandelion are incredibly rich in their ways. The address the whole body and soul in very unique ways. Nettle, a plant who grows wild and abundantly in many countries, is abundant in minerals, vitamins, and uses. Ortiga (as we call it in Kiskeya) helps to purify the blood and cleanse the lungs, chest, heart, and breasts. Continued use of this medicine helps to clear the stomach of poisons and expel leeching worms, a quality which reflects Nettle’s spiritual use as a aura cleanser and energetic protector. In juice and infusion form, Ortiga is effective for increasing flows — of menstruation, breast milk, and creativity alike. This also improves overall circulation and the strength of the current in our electromagnetic fields. Naturally, as a result, we attract more in alignment with true abundance as we are able to see what is actually of value in our worlds… Clinical studies have shown that Nettle helps to relieve symptoms of allergies and related discomforts. Through this we are able to see one of this plant main balancing qualities — it not only stimulates flow but also checks and exacts it when happening in excess. This is also specific within the menstrual cycle as Nettle can both promote bleeding while also serving to correct a disproportionate period. In the postpartum period both Nettle and Dandelion help to revitalize the mother and, through enhancing the quality of milk, enliven the baby. In damp and heavy conditions such as mucus in the colon or lungs, or water retention, Nettle and Dandelion’s effect on the kidneys comes in strong. Dandelion has strong diuretic properties, making it a relief for the kidneys and urinary organs when overburdened with excess water. Certain traditions and practices advise the use of Dandelion for 2 months straight to help heal certain liver and kidney illnesses. The impact on the liver is also one that is good for improving digestive processes, so Dandelion shows use as stomach tonic and one which can enhance powers of nutrient assimilation. In my ancestral traditions, Dandelion grants us the wish of deeper and clearer communications with our spirits, so this one is often taken internally or used for external washes before divinations, psychic journeys, or works involving extensive use of the intuitive aspects. In the same way, Dandelion helps establish more graceful connection and transmission through the body. Both of these plants teach us about the wealth inherent in being grounded in and aware of ourselves and our processes. Cleansing and nourishing, invigorating and balancing, Nettle and Dandelion will enable us to charge through distortions and fears into certainty, safety, and longevity.


nettle leaves, dandelion leaves, (odorless/sweet) coconut glycerin

invitations for use:

Take up to 15-40 drops, up to 3 times a day. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies, usually lasts up to one year.

  • Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding people.

  • Safe for children ages 1+.

  • All herbs are certified organic + 50% are sustainably cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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