prompting sensible inquiry

22 Flowers of Life

Lunar Delight: Night-blooming Jasmine Flower Essence (18)

Lunar Delight: Night-blooming Jasmine Flower Essence (18)



a spiral dance in the moonlight




water + air


for those who need or desire to be reminded of their beauty; for those seeking heart healing and opening; for those needing artistic and creative inspiration and unblocking; for healing heart and womb trauma; for instilling feelings of sensuality and love; for beautifying the mind and body; for easing the body into rest and relaxation; for alleviating tension in the heart, mind, and body; for enhancing powers of magnetism and attraction; for releasing nightmares and easing the fear of ‘dark’ or the night in children

flower profile and essence creation story:

Night-blooming Jasmine appeared in the garden, discreetly, one night during a moon in Cancer, on a Venus day. Perfect synchronicity. Enchanted by the aroma, I sat in the garden for what felt like an eternity much welcomed. The scent settled in my heart like a trance, and I could hear my heartbeat relaxing while remaining steady and pronounced. It was in this interaction that I began to receive intel about the power of Night-blooming Jasmine’s essence, without having yet made or ingested it. As the night progressed, I felt more of a harmony in my constitution after a day of dealing with matters of the state and its enforced governance. Night-blooming Jasmine helped me recall the day with humor and see through the illusion of control that certain people move and speak with. Their essence enabled me to loosen up after a day of tension and discomfort. Within moments, I found myself dancing in the garden. No music was playing, but I felt a deep rhythm moving through my blood and flooding my being. In all the movement, the decision was made to make the flower essence which was initially crafted in that same waxing moonlight, remaining in the light until and through the sunrise. Such an essence is charged with a harmonizing and balancing potency — meant to bring equilibrium into the entire constitution. This is afforded through both the lunar and solar forces with which it was infused, alongside the nature of the flowers themselves. Nightblooming Jasmine, also known as Cestrum nocturnum, is a richly-scented floral part of the Solanaceae family which is commonly known as the nightshade family. The plants in this family have the common energy of containing the wisdom of the night while expressing the potential nourishment found throughout the day. Lunar Delight is a flower essence adequate for all lunar concerns. It treats menstrual and sleep imbalances alike. It fortifies intuition and promotes vivid dream recall. When shared with children or others who may experience nightmares, this essence helps them release the anxieties and nervous system stresses that may have brought those about. Lunar Delight also promotes lucid dreaming and can be charged with the intention for astral traveling if one should so decide. Like the nurturing energy of the moon and mother, this one helps us feel protected, safe, loved, and calm. It opens the heart and mind, building a fluid bridge which inspires us to see the sweetness and lightness available to us in each moment, even as we journey through the darker parts of the days. Like the 2 vibration of the lunar frequency, this is an essence which can help the feminine aspect of the self heal from wounds and traumas, in our relationship with self and others. In this way, this essence can help us attract more harmonious partnerships, relationships, and interactions. With a strong Venus and Moon energy, this flower essence is ideal for increase our magnetic pull potency and re-empowering the higher aspects of the divine feminine. Having been charged with both sun and moon makes it ideal for recalibrating the circadian rhythm, even promoting proper use of melanin, melatonin, and other hormones and biochemicals which can contribute to our homeostasis. Lunar Delight: Nightblooming Jasmine Flower Essence increases both psychic and creatively vision which are intricately connected. This flower essence is for the mothers, dreamers, divinely feminine, sublimely in tune with their masculine, everpresent within their power, the visionaries, the seers, the earthshaker, the sea within. This is one of The 22 Flowers of Life, and it connects to Key 18: The Moon.

A note about using flower essences:

flower essences are not oils. They are vibrational healing remedies which affect and change energetic conditions and, like some oils and other medicines, can be used internally, on acupuncture/acupressure points and chakras, sprayed in the energy field, dripped in your water, and even used for personal and professional massaging. It is best to use an essence or combination and/or group of essences for 30-33 days to permanently shift patterns and create new habits, healthier lifeways.


nightblooming jasmine flowers, spring water, rum, moonstone essence

invitations for use:

Take 4-7 drops as needed, up to 4 times a day. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies, usually lasts up to one year.

  • Safe for all, ages 2+

  • All flowers are sustainably picked by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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