prompting sensible inquiry

Infusion Blends

The Harmony Way: Spleen/Earth

The Harmony Way: Spleen/Earth

from $13.00

"The Earth in its devotion carries all things, good and evil, without exception. In the same way, the superior being gives to their character breadth, purity, and sustaining power, so that they are able to support and to bear with people and things." -The I Ching

This quote is a beautiful illustration of the potential of Earth - the ability to reconcile, conciliate, harmonize, adapt, and adjust. Earth is mother and lover of harmony. Her devoted, receptive nature is the perfect complement to the creative powers of heaven, or the Sky. If Earth is a primary energy within someone, that person is likely a natural mediator. You dislike quarrels, and you naturally avoid conflicts. Also highly tolerant and forgiving, Earth types, when imbalanced, may feel an all-consuming need to please others and win their approval. Other manifestations indicating Earth imbalance may include excess appetite, water retention, irregular bowels movements, PMS, thick mucus in nose, throat, and mouth, inflamed or irritated skin and skin outbreaks, slow healing of cuts, and maybe even a tendency to bruise easily. Balanced Earth is exhibited through feelings of caring and concern with a supportive, relaxed, and centered demeanor. To bring the Spleen into balance, we have crafted a blend with agrimony, hawthorn berries, and blessed thistle. This tea is sure to provide renewed vitality and a strengthening of the spirit, helping to bring the Earth energies within into balance by fully addressing the imbalances of that same energy.


agrimony, blessed thistle, hawthorn berries, astragalus, wild yam root

invitations for use:

This tea can be take at any time of day, 1 tsp per cup, up to 3 times daily. Spleen energy is strongest between 9am and 11am, so it is useful to sip a cup of this blend upon waking. Sip in joy. Instruction for preparation sent with blend.

  • Not recommended for pregnant/nursing women. Safe for children.

  • Made with certified organic ingredients.

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