prompting sensible inquiry

Planetary Potions

Shapeshifter's Vision Spagyric

Shapeshifter's Vision Spagyric



water + air + fire + earth


relieve aches and pains; relax the nervous system; awaken night vision; promote cellular regeneration; facilitate soul retrieval through shadow work; reduce inflammation; support the gut; sharpen intuition; regulate the menstrual cycle; boost energy after childbirth; strengthen the bones; heighten sexual prowess; aid proper channeling of sexual and creative energy; tone muscles and organs; balance secretions and hormonal function; exalt visions of one’s many forms, past and parallel life included

the story:

The Shapeshifter’s Vision Spagyric is so named because the promise of such a formula is to enhance inner sight and facilitate the transmutation of one’s energies to more useful forms. Formulated and charged through several full moons, this one is empowered for night quests in the underworld, prompting one to clearly see and furthermore be able to retrieve whatever parts of the source self has been in hiding for safe-keeping due to traumatic events and shocking encounters. With such a potion, one is able to clearly assess the past, how it factors into the present, and where the shifts can happen for greater alignment in the future. Cat’s Claw comes forward as a primary ingredient in this concoction. Associated with Mars , Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) is called “opener of the way” for they can enable us being in our own flow and will, unobstructed by distractions or obstacles. Considered the life-giving vine of Peru, this ally has use dating back to the Inca civilization, so there is a strong imprint of ceremonial, indigenous, and shamanic power within this one. They are regarded as a nootropic with the capacity to repair DNA, suppress cancer, and protect the neurological system. Similarly potent, Black Cohosh has a very pronounced effect on the nervous system. This one is a lunar herb with the capacity to address a wide range of lunar concerns - from irregular menstruation to epilepsy and hysteria, Black Cohosh aka Black Snakeroot is potent for the work of restoring balance while also prompting transition from beta to alpha waves for a more integrative healing experience. Wolfberry is commonly known as Goji berries and widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for longevity and brightening of the spirits. This ally is a solar force in a formula with otherwise deeply lunar, Saturnian, and mercurial frequencies activating it. Wolfberry is well known as both liver and blood tonic, hinting to be one with supreme cleansing power. Adding to the vision enhancing medicine of Cat’s Claw, Wolfberry has long been revered for improving night vision and even strengthening the legs! It is really no wonder why this one had to be a part of a preparation such as this - they really prepare us from head to toe to be sharp upon the journey. Bearberry, filled with the energy of lunar influence through their impact upon some of the waterways of the body, such as the urinary bladder, is one that also supports women through pregnancy and labor. They also boost energies and alleviate postpartum pain and discomfort. Capable of speeding up healing, they can be applied to burns, canker sores, wounds, bruises, and areas of inflammation. Indigenous peoples of the Americas have used the leaves of this ally in blends to bring vision and insight, while facilitating divination and heightening intuition. White Oak Bark, a potent final touch, brings in the energy of Jupiter for benevolence, abundance, and expansion. Similar to Bearberry, they promote speedy healing and detoxify the body. White Oak tree is considered a symbol of great strength and stamina. They are abundant and readily found in many spaces throughout the world, demonstrating an omnipresent potential which can open one to perception that is more vast in its innerstanding. Without having to fly in the sky, yet standing tall and upright, this ally is one that gives us guidance for fullness of foresight, imagination, and a high view. All of this considered, The Shapeshifter’s Vision Spagyric is thoroughly and truthfully a formula for shapeshifting and awakening insight, for transmuting into higher and deeper forms and accessing memory and full recovery of the whole Self.


cat’s claw, black snakeroot, wolfberry, bearberry, white oak bark, gluten-free alcohol, spring water, purified plant bodies united

invitations for use:

For vision work: take 20-45 drops, 1 hour before bed. For pain relief and cellular repair: take 30-45 drops as needed, not exceeding 3 doses a day. Best administered in 2 oz of warm water for full absorption. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

  • Not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding people.

  • All herbs used are certified organic.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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