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Serpentine Series

Remedio de Candelo: Oxymel for Super Natural Defense

Remedio de Candelo: Oxymel for Super Natural Defense

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$25.00


Candelo Cedife




fire + air


red + white

energetic signatures:

spiritual defense; wisdom; empowerment; protection; activation; movement; immunity; healing; justice; unhexing; uncrossing; unjinxing; cleansing; improvement and progress

animal companion:


the story:

The formula for this remedy came to me within the sequence of a series of events leading to sudden and necessary change. My head hot and my heart ever-ready, I said I was not going to act like my vision has not always been as clear as it is, so remaining in environments and situations with people who thought to get away with deception and sneaky (but felt by me) invasion of privacy was no longer an option. Ancestral forces, benevolent and serious about protection and works of uncrossing the journey, were at the fore guiding and orchestrating the invoked and yearned for tower moment. A dance around the homestead and the plants for this oxymel found their way to my basket, whispering as I saw flashes of red and tobacco smoke cleansing my head. Like the energy of Candelo, a loa protective and just, cleansing and strengthening, this formula is clearly an emanation of his vibration. Things were revealed, things were made clear. The medicine here is a testimony of that and does just that. Each of the plants here is rich in story and medicine alike; thick with healing dimensions. Elderberries are well-known and often spoken of for use in immunity boosting (precaution should be taken here especially in the case of autoimmune conditions) and serve as accomplices in increasing the defense line of the body. Similarly, this one is used within magickal traditions for warding off evil, undoing malicious works, and protection in the aftermath of the uncrossing. Various practices, including Hoodoo, advise Elder hung or planted around the perimeter of a space that we think may be susceptible to certain intrusion and attack. In essence, the spirit of Elder shields the aspects within and without us which we hold as sacred, near, and dear. These berries have also been considered ideal in cleansing the reproductive system, particularly ideal for the vaginal canal and its pH balance. Infusions and syrups (or oxymels) of the berries have often been employed for diuretic (kidney cleansing/urination inducing) purposes and to help heal one experiencing urinary tract infections. Yellow dock root is rich in iron and boosts the effectiveness of the vitamin C content that Elderberries bring to this formula. This plant root is ideal in replenishing hemoglobin and correcting anemia. Elderberries and Yellow dock both contain anti-inflammatory properties, making them effective for eliminating hot conditions, irritations, inflammations, and aggravations in the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Here we see one of the primary actions of this tonic oxymel is not only to cleanse, tone, and strengthen the blood, but also to bring balance to the fiery qualities of Candelo and his likeness. Papalo and Tithonia sunflowers are herbals and florals consecrated in Mesoamerica and regarded as ideal medicine in ancestral veneration. Papalo has a pungent aroma and taste which inform us that this one touches gut, heart, and head alike. Papalo is regarding as the Mexican substitute for Cilantro, and they similarly have brain enhancing qualities by way of clearing the nervous system and other bodily systems of heavy metal toxicity. This plant is called “summer Cilantro” oftentimes because it has a great affinity for the heat — in the thick of summer, their flowers bloom and aromas travel. Furthermore, Basil leaves are another one whose aroma, well-recognized and deeply loved and integrated in many a dishes, serves as protective from head to toe. Ayisien vodou tradition associates the use and appearance of Basil with Ezili, and in the Dominican Republic, it is known as one of Candelo’s favorite plants. He is indeed a great healer; even went as far as to suggest that a couple drops of this oxymel in a floor wash would do wonders for driving evil away from the home. Enter family and home renewal. The flowers of Tithonia only accentuate that and bring vitality when energy has been leaking and the aura is compromised by tears. Tithonia sunflowers target the solar plexus and help us to walk with more confidence and security in what we are moving with and through at each moment. Spilanthes and Romerillo (aka Spanish needle) boost the effectiveness of Elderberries — they are all antibacterial, anti-fungal, and relatively antibiotic. They are used for a wide spectrum of conditions ranging from fevers to facial paralysis to toothache to anxiety and depression. In the Autumn season, these two summer (and sometimes Autumn in Florida) flowering plants are cherished for their healing impact on the lungs — the lungs being the yin organs it is advised we attend to (according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and other medicinal traditions) during the Autumn season. With proper lung care, we can ensure that the movement of fluids and nutrition in our bodies is more conducive to deep nourishment through proper integration of the foods and other ‘beneficial’ information we are consuming. Ginger root serves as the activating principle in this formula by heating up the body in a way that helps dampness that is stagnant to come to the surface (through perspiration, etc) and find a way out so that we may experience relief. Sometimes this stagnancy results in a sluggishness that may otherwise be rightfully called “depression”, so Ginger lifts us through targeting the digestive/solar aspects. In Hoodoo, it is used for movement, and like the energy of Candelo, this movement is intended to be quick and awakening. El Remedio de Candelo is the formula you come to and journey with when you seek to exact rectitude in your affairs and are aiming are growing through challenges in health, physical or otherwise, which can confuse the process and obstruct the progress. Con Candelo no se juega — be intentional in all your ways.


elderberries, yellow dock root, papaloquelite leaves, basil leaves, spilanthes leaves and flowers, romerillo leaves and flowers, tithonia sunflowers, ginger root, apple cider vinegar (with the mother), organic local Florida honey

invitations for use:

Take up to 25 drops, up to 3 times a day. Can be added to salads, smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, cake, and much more. Other uses detailed on notecards. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies, usually lasts up to one year.

  • Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding people at a third of the dosage.

  • Safe for children ages 1+.

  • All herbs are certified organic + 50% are sustainably cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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