prompting sensible inquiry

000 Womb Way Collection

Union of Roots: Autumn Elixir

Union of Roots: Autumn Elixir



when your body is not aligned, the inner power will not come. when you are not tranquil within, your mind will not be well-ordered. align your body, assist the inner power, then it will gradually come on its own. — verse 11 of the Nei-Yeh

energetic signature:

quiet discipline


earth + fire + air + water


provide nutritional support to the body; tone the major organ centers; relieve digestive stagnancy; strengthen hair, skin, and nails; alleviate shortness of breath; replenish essential vitamins and minerals in the body; warm the body; help clear gas and bloating; support digestion and detoxification; remove excess hormones; attune to ancestral knowledge and wisdom; heal ancestral and personal grief; more…

the story:

In the Autumn, the life force and medicine of plants becomes concentrated in their roots, the energy of the plants moves in a different and unified direction. In the Autumn, the Wise Woman speaks to us in whispers through the blowing wind upon our faces and crunching of leaves beneath our feet. It is in the Autumn that we gather the harvest of bounty brought through more sun-lit days, and we begin to turn our energy inward while, perhaps, recalling the cheer and joy of the outward yang (spring and summer) seasons. In the wind of this Fall, we hear many songs speak the same message of surrender. Along with the harvest of fruit, we may also bring in the seed which will wait to burst forth in the coming spring. Yet part of the surrender of the time is not just in letting go, but also in that waiting. The I Ching says, “here, in the seed, in the deep hidden stillness, the end of everything is joined to a new beginning”. Thus, the seed which also becomes a root before it becomes a fruit, is the symbol of the Autumn. In death, we see the potential for rebirth and we also witness the refinement that dying brings. A Union of Roots is noted in gathering the variety of what we have created in the seasons of birthing. This is a union that gives us hope and faith as we see what was changing form into new being, not dying as we might perceive it, but simply conserving energy to emerge in a new state, through a new way, perhaps even more abundant than before. The roots make themselves known here, reminding us that foundations need not only be strong to hold us up throughout time — they must also be nourishing. With such wisdom presented through their medicine, all of the roots used in this formula are high in nutrients and powerful in their workings. Nettle root contains phenolic compounds which make it ideal in reducing the rate of oxidation in the organism and, thus, serving as a remedy for degeneration that can occur on multiple levels. Nettle root also contains a wide array of minerals including magnesium, sodium, selenium, iron, zinc, and others. This is a quality that Sachikili (as Nettle is known in the Tongva language), Yellow Dock, Burdock Root, and Yatatkosot (Dandelion in the Tongva language) all share, providing the necessary nourishment that bears witness to a quality foundation. Yellow dock contains an enriching iron supply, and exponentially so when paired with Dandelion or Yatatkosot. One of their primary uses is as a skin healer through targeting poor digestion and poor liver function (this tincture pairs exceptionally with “Way of Flowers” for matters of the skin and to make the iron in this one more bioavailable). Burdock Root is another one that, like both Dandelion and Yellow dock, have a strong impact on the liver, yet Burdock is particular for helping to eliminate excess hormones, all while contributing to the body’s nutritional support system. Each of these roots holds ancestral medicine in their own right — silently reinforcing our powers and gifts as we elevate their story in our lives. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Dandelion is known as Pu Gong Ying and is used to clear out toxic heat conditions — this makes them ideal for alleviating any stagnant dampness that has resulted from grief that may have turned into resentment or even anger. Something that I have found to be an effective Autumn ritual with this tincture is offering each of the roots here for a specific emotional or energetic condition that we might have known our ancestors to have experienced, as a form of elevation. Perhaps offering Dandelion if they experienced anger or liver issues; giving them a drop and offering Valerian if they were or are restless and have needed to be at ease; Ginger root if digestive upsets, constipation, or other such stagnancy was something that they needed help with; you know the medicine that your people and spirits need — this ritual is an invitation to a healing discipline. This elixir, like the Autumn, invites you into deeper attention of the situations that have brought you to the point where you find yourself, and some of these situations are such that aren’t so much personal as they are the stories of those who have in one way or another impacted you and, so, whose energetic imprint you have to decide to integrate, cut cords with, or in some way transmute. Valerian root is a medicinal which promotes the alpha brain waves that ease us into greater flow and mental relaxation, facilitating the voice of our intuition and enabling us to abide in the liminal space where potential knows few to no limits. Ginger root proves to a catalyst, making this a versatile potion safe to be used by children, teens, pregnant people, and elders. With the Union of Roots, we are able to go deep, see what has been, and channel a vision for what could be. Here we gather our strengths and become cognizant of the resources readily available to us for expansion and liberation, to create discipline and ritual in our journey, while propelling us to embody new forms and ideas of harmonic evolution.


nettle root, valerian root, burdock root, dandelion root, yellow dock root, ginger root, gluten-free alcohol, honey, essence of high john root

invitations for use:

20-45 drops on empty stomach or before main meal, up to 3 times a day as needed. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies.

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine. Womb Way’s Spring through Winter elixirs come with cyclical considerations, informing on how to use elixirs through the menstrual cycle on a monthly basis, and beyond.)

  • Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding people in a quarter of the dosage. Pregnant people use after first trimester.

  • Not safe for children under 5 years.

  • All herbs used are certified organic + 30% are sustainably wild-harvested and/or cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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