prompting sensible inquiry

000 Womb Way Collection

The Great Wave of Ai-Xi Luo: Winter Elixir

The Great Wave of Ai-Xi Luo: Winter Elixir



there is no beyond, there is only here — the infinitely small, infinitely great, and utterly demanding present. — Iris Murdoch

energetic signature:

fluid; full of potential


water + air + earth + fire


promote vivid dreams and dream recall; alleviate aches in the muscles and joints; reduce inflammations; treat liver and digestive stagnation; smooth and regulate chi; remedy excessive and painful menstrual bleeding; improve communication between the womb, the heart, and the mind; cleanse and clarify the mind and intuition; enhance fertility; balance pituitary function; more…

the story:

When The Great Wave approaches, do not be frightened for it is the cloak of the dreamers and seers, of those unafraid of their night vision and the shadows we can see out of the corners of our eyes. The Great Wave approaches those who say they are ready to go deep, even if they claimed it and later realize the depths are made of more than the treasures they went looking for. The Great Wave — consider the phrase and close your eyes for a minute: what can you imagine? If you were to look more closely into the waves, what would you see? What deep sea ‘monsters’ might emerge from the black holes serving as portals in ocean floor? What other life might you encounter? Might you find a deep mystery, the one you forgot you had been searching about? The Great Wave comes loaded with heart and memory, a mind of unified consciousness, aware of it all. The winter offers you silent access into the whisper of knowledge that the Akasha holds. Contemplating the Great Waves off Kanagawa, I considered something I had learned about myself a while ago. In my Mandarin Chinese 2 college course, the professor transliterated each of our names — she told me mine is Ai-Xi Luo which means “lover of the world”; like Akasha, set to hold it all close to heart and memory. It seemed very fitting, even considering the Aquarian nature and all, even considering my birth day and birthing days as being in the winter. The Great Wave of Ai-Xi Luo is my medicine dream for the world, and the elements that make it come through as interplanetary plant bodies and an essence, black as the fertile earth and rich in stories. The winter of our lives is the final preparation for the transition into other forms. It is when the dying is finally dead, when it is made clear that the decay is to be nourishment for the seeds due to grow, when the energies of legacy and immortality can more readily be witnessed as the same plants we see fading promise a blossoming tomorrow. The winter invites us to be present in the moments, for by then we have seen how quickly they seem to go, how time passes, tirelessly and without breaking. Winter is the season of those who sleep to dream and live in a continuous stream of the mind’s imagination. It calls us to embrace more, as the weather sometimes incites us to wrap our arms around ourselves, in familiarity of our inner light and warmth. For the visionaries, winter always feels like an invitation to sit within our own crown centers, observing in silence and channeling the conception of the eternal mind which sometimes calls for a resting ground. For the visionaries, mugwort leaves serve as a potent companion. Named Artemisia after the goddess of the moon, and known as “Altamisa” in Kiskeya, mugwort is used ceremoniously to lift the spirits. Used in moxa, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, mugwort again shows evidence of moving energies when combined with the element of fire. In combination with roots like Ginger, mugwort is effective for treating any digestive congestion that impedes visions from flowing. Altamisa is also effective for stimulating menstrual bleeding when the blood has been absent. The leaves alone are potent enough to be mixed in with an oil and make a strong flying ointment. The 3rd eye stimulating qualities of this plant are made stronger with the company of Vitex whose medicine, when used in the indicated dosages, affect the pituitary glands to increase fluidity of communication within all of the intuitive centers in the body. Vitex also comes in handy when relief of breast and menstrual pain is needed. In magickal tradition, they are known to promote qualities of modesty, enabling the concentration and silence that winter calls us into. The winter is also the season of the kidneys and several plants used here particularly target this region. These include nettle root, lady’s mantle, and mugwort. Burdock root is ideal for overall bodily and, specifically, kidney health. Nettle root brings about a necessary cleansing in urinary tract and kidneys, helping to heal inflammations and clear out the blood as needed. Nettle has an overall corrective power in the body when it comes to the water element — they increase and enrich milk flow, reduce water retention, and serve as a specific remedy when menstruation is excessive. Nettle is even good when used for certain allergies, making them ideal as a preparatory herb between winter and spring. Burdock reflects some of these qualities, equally reducing inflammation and fluid retention. With Lady Mantle’s in this formula, we are offered more of the cloaking and energetic shielding of the Great Wave. On a physical level, Lady’s Mantle, which is also known as the “little alchemist” or Alchemilla, contains salicylic acid and has properties which help to alleviate cramps and otherwise painful menstruation. In other times, they have been used as a poultice for helping to firm and tone the breasts, so they have been considered to be a beauty tonic. Lady’s Mantle, so named because their leaves appear looking like a cloak or mantle, has the power to protect us from imbalances to our system which contribute to infertility and any other issues which can arise within our reproductive centers. With milk thistle seeds, this is a rejuvenating potion which helps to reset our cellular information within the sacral and solar plexus spaces, enabling us to shed the programming that we have inherited through certain traumas. Milk thistle also promotes a certain level of emotional clarity through helping clear out fear, grief, and anger all at once. Through time, their medicine brings these energies to the surface for our observation, soon transmuting them through whatever great wave of emotional release then arises. Ginger root brings balance of heat to also help us stay warmly protected through the cooler times in the year and in our lives. The Great Wave of Ai-Xi Luo is a formula for profound pondering, deep dreaming, and complete cleansing. The herbals in this potion not only cleanse the kidney meridian and surrounding organs, including the reproductive, they also aid in clarifying our lives of old energies that have pooled up and stagnated within our entire vibrational system. Consistently working with these accomplices aids us in reseting our rhythms to the natural motion of the universe; here, we are able to access wisdom that supports our growth within and our development throughout.


vitex berries, burdock root, nettle root, milk thistle seeds, mugwort leaves, lady’s mantle leaves, ginger root, gluten-free alcohol, essence of black obsidian

invitations for use:

20-35 drops before meals or on empty stomach, up to 2 times a day as needed. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies.

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine. Womb Way’s Spring through Winter elixirs come with cyclical considerations, informing on how to use elixirs through the menstrual cycle on a monthly basis, and beyond.)

  • Safe for breastfeeding people in a quarter of the dosage.

  • Not safe for pregnant people.

  • Not safe for children under 7 years.

  • All herbs used are certified organic + 50% are sustainably wild-harvested and/or cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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