prompting sensible inquiry

Conjure Essences™ +++

Spirit of Intimacy Oil: Magnolia Bark Conjure

Spirit of Intimacy Oil: Magnolia Bark Conjure



to bring happiness and commitment in intimate relations; to revive the spirit of intimacy within a connection; for tantric experiences; to invite more depth to the sexual aspect of the connection(s); for magnetizing a lover who is loyal, committed, and honest; to promote open communication and communion; for uncrossing the heart; for the inner child; more…

conjure oil profile:

For external use only. A conjure formula empowered by the visitation of a hummingbird with the promise of helping to elevate love to a higher frequency — this one comes forward as what may feel like an energy of relief when things have been tumultuous or otherwise tense. This is an oil crafted with the intention of breakthrough and revival in mind. The Spirit of Intimacy conjure oil is inspired by both personal experience and the wisdom of Sobonfu Somé in her book with that name as title. In it she explains that the Spirit of Intimacy is the spirit which is the result of the union of our spirit with another spirit, in intimacy. This 3rd spirit is birthed through that union and requires that we attend to it so that the relationship is kept alive. Life happens and we go through experiences which may cause us to question the longevity of what we may have once perceived as having the potential of being for eternity — this can be in relation to lovers and friends. Whatever the case, these points invite us to consider the evolutionary point we find ourselves in at each moment and whether we should continue forward in certain interactions; sometimes the potential is so great and promising that we feel we ought to keep trying. Sometimes we are just so tired and we need a little loving exchange. This is where the Spirit of Intimacy oil steps in, serving as a heart-mending and soul-retrieving support while also being directly healing to bodily aches and the places on us where exhaustion seems to have settled. This oil is for invoking a new day and a better way forward in our intimacies with self and others, so even if not directly in intimate relation with a lover or if you live far-off in isolation in the mountains, desert, or on an island somewhere, this oil is one for you and you, first and foremost. This magnolia bark conjure is as much for making sure our love with our beloved is safe and sound as it is for serving as a glue to healing fragmentations that have occurred within our soul. With comfrey leaf as assisting accomplice, this one is meant to soothe open wounds due to relations or our own decisions and actions or words. Comfrey is particularly suited for soul retrieval work, aiding in assessing and repairing whatever trauma is contributing to disharmony and discord in our connections. This is really an oil that is meant to be shared with others if the issues are showing up with them. Patchouli leaves excel at breaking jinxes or reversing spells and evil eyes placed on our connections. Combining them with roses and orris root makes them exponentially more effective for that, while all three of these are also used to draw in more love especially when this oil is added to your bath or used on your body after you take a warm shower. Roses is commonly used in love potions and with rosemary as supportive, this brings the vibration up into a stage of commitment for the most intimate of those connections, inviting directness and transparency in communications. The other plants used in this conjure are hot and sweet in nature, making this oil one that stimulates and moves energy around while also magnetizing and calling that warmth and sweetness in and close to you. This can translate into physical experiences which are displays of love including thoughts, words, and actions in alignment with the spirit of this deepening intimacy. With this oil, conversations become clearer, more honest, more calm, more open-hearted; love-making becomes more engaged, tantric, orgasmic, and … explosive, in the best of ways. This is a conjure tool useful for elevating love, platonic and otherwise — making us aware that we are safe and secure in spaces with and connection to those who respect the fullness of who and what we are.


magnolia bark and leaves, patchouli leaves, roses, orris root, other love conjure and curio, grapeseed oil, hoodoo blend

invitations for use:

Use several drops on the major energy points throughout the body. Use on heart, womb, mind points. Use on palms of hand before working on your craft, etc. Use on your beloved’s body. Use in self-care and love rituals and candles. Exact optimal uses detailed on card. Shake and program with intentions/affirmations before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Use within 1 year.

  • For external use only.

  • Curio is intended for adult/adept use.

  • This is a whole plant formula. No essential oils or synthetic fragrances used.

  • All roots, leaves, and flowers are sustainably harvested or otherwise gathered by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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