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Conjure Essences™ +++

Unjinxing and Purification Oil: Bloodroot Conjure

Unjinxing and Purification Oil: Bloodroot Conjure



for peace in the home; to alleviate familial disharmony; to protect marriage and intimate relationship from evil and ill-intentions; to repel antagonistic energies and people from entering your home; more…

conjure oil profile:

For external use only. Bloodroot protects your bloodlines and anybody you relate to or cohabitate with who you consider ‘blood’ or family. They are a powerful guardian known for empowering the home and offering protection to families. Plenty of the allies used in the hoodoo blend for this oil are often carried and anointed with to protect against evil eyes and banish all antagonistic energy. This could look like the falling away of some relationships that you may have been dealing in, perhaps ignoring the intuitive impression that something is off. Once this oil is used, you may find some people no longer come around as much — make note of that. Another important aspect of the energetic signature in these bottles is that with this we see an increase in happiness, tranquility, and peace within our homes. It is highly recommended that this oil be used not only on ourselves but also on our family members and going as deep as to cleanse and then anoint the four corners of the home. The bloodroot conjure is also a blessing oil for babies or new family members who come into the home, such as animal companions. Indigenous people have used bloodroot as war paint, so this root really holds a strong vibration of protection and even repelling in certain instances, as war paint has also been used to scare away opposition. Furthermore, this speaks to this root serving as a long-time accomplice to ancestral energies which now dwell in a space where they can intervene with greater discretion — the unjinxing and purification oil can be used to invite our benevolent blood ancestors and those willing to heal with us into our space, all the while enabling us to have proper boundaries and interactions in those relations. On a more medicinal level, bloodroot has been used to induce vomiting and expel parasites and worms, so they translate as ideal for not only clearing our lives of those with less than honorable intentions, but also helping us to clarify our own inner template and release whatever is within us which is contributing to the imbalance that may be/have been present within the home and those family relationships. Bloodroot is also ideal for skin conditions so it can be applied topically for eczema, psoriasis, ringworms, warts, and/or skin fungus. On another level, this also shows up, again, as a signal of guardianship and support for the outer layer, such as the physical home, which protects the organs and elements which animate it from within. The unjinxing and purification oil is a potent talisman which can be carried on oneself or kept by the front door for day-to-day protection. Charged with Mars, Venus, and Solar frequencies, the bloodroot conjure is programmed to defend and protect, beautify and harmonize, all the while illuminating and rejuvenating our families and lives, inside and out.


bloodroot, sunflower and olive oils, hoodoo blend

invitations for use:

Use several drops on the major energy points throughout the body. Use on heart, womb, mind points. Use on palms of hand before working on your craft, etc. Use on your beloved’s body. Use in self-care rituals. Use in home cleansing and floor washes. Use it to anoint you and your loved ones’ beds. Use in candles for unjinxing and purification, and for healing ancestral timelines / family discord. Use for skin conditions detailed above. Exact optimal uses detailed on card. Shake and program with intentions/affirmations before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Use within 1 year.

  • For external use only.

  • Curio is intended for adult/adept use.

  • This is a whole plant formula. No essential oils or synthetic fragrances used.

  • All roots, leaves, and flowers are sustainably harvested or otherwise gathered by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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