prompting sensible inquiry

The Indigo Keys 5D : Phase 1

Key 8: Strength

Key 8: Strength



Lion and Serpent



astrological influence:



fire + water + air + earth


calm and relieve cardiovascular tension; nourish the nervous system; antioxidant support; aid in cancer/diabetes/high blood pressure treatments; build-up astral presence, harmonize the crown and root centers; heal blood; reinforce proper functioning of the reproductive system; boost power of the pituitary and pineal glands - thus enhancing hormonal balance; promote proper thyroid and endocrine function; more…

the story:

Whatever has been accumulating, pooling, and stagnating gets purged by the fire of this key. This key is one that reveals to us both our height and our depth on a spiritual level, reopening our eyes to who we truly are. The personal myths, which may no longer apply to us after this, get destroyed in the process of the purge, but with this comes the revealing of our true skin so to speak. Like the serpent which symbolizes this key, Strength brings us transformations that propel us to outgrow the old and be born into the ‘‘new’ and true. Like the lion also representing this arcanum, we are reminded of our inner sun and the uniqueness of our soul — this encourages and strengthens our will. Opening the door with Key 8, we overcome indecision and spiritual and material barriers. Nettle is an herb that instructs us on how the material can be affected by the spiritual and vice versa. Nettle is an accomplice who defends on different levels — in the body, they cleanse out toxins, move the blood, and nourish the system. Still on a physical/material level, they are considered to be related to the Mars energy because the thorns on the Stinging Nettle, in particular, provide a shielding and defensive sort of energy — here we see the evidence of a bridge between material and immaterial; Nettle protects themselves as they protect us and our bodies. They are also related to Mars because of their capacity to help with blood circulation, another Martian concern. Aiding the work within the blood, Hawthorn brings us into the heart as a herb well-known for their ability to heal and tone the heart. Hawthorn is regarded as one of the safest cardio-tonics. Hawthorn also has a particular nourishing quality that comes forth in their way of dispelling anxieties, nervousness, and other tension. In a nurturing way, they soothe and quiet discomfort. Hawthorn is also a member of the Rose family, possessing tannins that serve as a combination of both fire and air energy to alleviate any water imbalances such as discharges and other dampness. Interestingly enough, they can cool when hot while bringing heat and motion when cold or frigid. Astragalus root and Motherwort leaf support the tincture as another expression of nurturing because it is in this kind of softness that we find our greatest strengths. Astragalus root and Motherwort leaf always feel like they are reaffirming that things are going to be alright while encouraging to grow beyond comfort zones and self-imposed limitations. Astragalus lends a soft sweet flavor to this key, speaking of the way this tonic can lift our innerstanding through elevating our senses. Astragalus is ideal for people who are very physically active as they promote the endurance to complete tasks and maintain optimal performance. With Motherwort and Hawthorn, the heart healing properties of Astragalus come to the forefront. This is a recommended combination for people who experience burnout, indecision, or have a hard time with responsibilities. Key 8 is also ideal for those who are seeking to process emotions such as anger, frustration, or irritation. Milk thistle seeds are particular for both liver and brain function. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is said to be the organ which can readily store anger. Bringing Milk thistle seeds into the work, Key 8 can help us discharge karma associated with those sorts of energies. Between the vibration of the number 8 which speaks to the energy of the planet Saturn and the herbs used in formula, Key 8 promises us an increase of will, strength, courage, and self-reliance through self-assuredness and with time.


nettle leaf + root, hawthorn leaf + flower + berry, astragalus root, milk thistle seeds, motherwort leaves, gluten-free alcohol, essence of partridge pea flowers

invitations for use:

20-40 drops to 2 oz. of water or tea, or taken directly under the tongue, up to 3 times a day. Can also be used as personally intuited through meditations with the medicine. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies, usually lasts up to one year.

flower connection:

The 8th Sense: Partridge Pea Flower Essence

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine; keeps well for 1 year.)

  • Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding people in a third of the dosage. Pregnant people use after the second trimester — at a quarter of the dosage and only 3-5 times every several/4-5 days.

  • Safe for ages 8+.

  • All herbs used are certified organic + 80% are sustainably wild-harvested and/or cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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